Dry cooler

Aéro refrigérant

To meet the cooling needs for which the fluid temperature is above ambient temperature, EURODIFROID offers two dry coolers product lines:




  • A range of small power products 0 3 kW , integrated in a frame with tank , pump , self- regulation . This solution fits into the small machines welds or small wave machines where cooling is critical but does not need low temperature and precision

  • A wide range of products including finned coil , axial fans, with power from 30 to 500 kW. EURODIFROID is based on a lasting partnership with STEFANI company, Italian manufacturer of finned coils and cooling towers . These products beyond the technical expertise you get in contact with our teams, EURODIFROID offers hydraulic supplements (cf hydraulic skid ) , autonomous monitoring and control cabinets or other customization allowing you to integrate these dry cooler in your processes.