-10°C +60°C thermoregulator for electronic equipment test bench

Thermoregulator for electronic equipment test bench


Cooling capacity 1150 W at -10°C water, 25°C ambient
Cooling capacity 2000 W at 10°C water, 25°C ambient
Heating power 3000 W
Regulation : mini -10°C - maxi 60°C

Precision +/-0.1°C

Eurodifroid solution

*Datas given at -35°C fluid outlet, 10°C condenser inlet water
Product RFI20 TWBBT -10°C +60°C
Quantity 4
PCooling capacity* 2 000 W
Precision +/- 0.1°C
Technology Water chiller + skid


- 1 insulated stainless steel tank 50 liters and its cover

- 1 refrigeration circuit with hermetic piston compressor

- 1 electronical regulator factory set

- 1 water condenser (plate heat exchanger) with pressure valve

- 1 evaporator spiral steel plate

- 1 desuperheater (plate heat exchanger) for operation of the refrigerant circuit on the high temperature (up to 60°C)
- 1 magnetic drive pump internal to the cooling circuit

- 1 JUMO controller for precision control via dimmer immersion heater

- 1 water level sensor with analog feedback signal

- 1 contact shutdown of equipment (exluding regulation)

- 1 general fault dry contact of the machine


Technical datas

*Datas given at 25°C glycol water outlet, 20°C condenser water outlet

Reference RFI 20 TWB
Cooling capacity*: 2 000 W
Supply power: 400V-3-50Hz
Power consumption: 4 434 W
Running current: 7,63 A
Starting current: 16 A
Line protection: 10 A
Outlet temperature: 10°C
Mini/maxi ambient temperature: 10/40°C
Mini/maxi regulation temperature: -10/+60°C
Fluid capacity 0,380 kg
Frigorific fluid: R134A
Mini/maxi pump flow: 20/70 l/min
Mini/maxi pump pressure: 1,45/3,20
tank capacity: 50 l
Noise: <69 dB(A)

Outline drawing